Like pulling teeth! Well, months ago I might have only gotten 1 or 2 details about his day at school. The past week he has been better about it even telling me what other kids did, by name! This is a rare thing for him. I always choked it up to the idea that maybe he was gonna be one of those kids who do not talk about school. I hear I was like that...
Last night he was to "busy" to answer my questions about school. We used to ask him what he did or learned at school and that usually gets an IIIII DONNNNN'TTTT KNOWWWW... Sometimes he actually sings it. I told him last night to at least switch it up on me and give me an "I DON'T REMEMBER". You know, keep things more interesting. I am getting pretty tired of the other. It was pretty clear he did not want to answer, but then I'd have to narrow in and ask more detailed questions. As if him not being about to tell me what an apple was when I'd point to it... and replying, "I don't know!" wasn't clear enough what was going on.
The number 1 reason I thing he just doesn't want to talk is that I could threaten him with time-out and he'd answer me. I found out so much about his day.
He said he was the special helper yesterday. He said he helped clean up the messy room, led the line, and turned the lights off. He said Luke was the calendar helper and that he put an 8 on the calendar. He said they used markers to draw and played with magnets. He told me that magnets stick together. He told me he played on the "slippery" slide and in the sandbox (hence the sand on my floor via his shoes). He was able to tell me what he had for lunch.
I have to learn to take it day by day...