Monday, March 30, 2009
My Beautiful Boys!
Sunday we visited the NCSU Arboretum. The flowers are starting to bloom! I was hoping to get a good pic of the boys to frame for Ralph's Birthday. Here it is after some photoshopping. We pick it up today from RITZ. We had it printed to 16X20. Now to find a frame!

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail
Saturday we braved Crabtree Mall to see the Easter Bunny! The kids were not afraid. Nate was
having DT's and trying to climb the gate to get to him and Graham was ecstatic! When Graham was sitting in his lap he'd cut his eyes at the Easter Bunny and grin. He did not want to quite look at him. Nate was disturbed by the fan blowing right on him. Graham is still wearing the bunny hat they handed out. Easter at school should be fun. On Friday they are having a mini egg hunt and dying eggs... I figure I should dress him in not so nice dark clothing. They are talking about Spring at school. So, you can imagine how many time I've heard about flowers... EVERYTIME WE GO OUTSIDE. Guess it is time to buy eggs, dye, and candy!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Amazing Kid!
Yesterday Graham had his 4 year well-check. The only think they thought was wrong with him was his ears, but we knew that already. he's been refusing his meds for a double ear infection. So, he got 2 shots and goes back today for more. He hobbled for hours. I ask the doctor if he was puttin' on and she said that they are very painful. He passed his eye test, but "failed" his hearing because he was more interested in hearing the beeps than telling us. It was just too interesting! So, I'm taking him to an ENT sometime because I have some concerns there anyway. He talked a little bit with the doctor and the nurses. YES, A CONVERSATION GUYS... He can do that. He even sang a little and wrote his name for them. SO, I HOPE THIS PUTS THINGS TO REST AT SCHOOL FOR A WHILE. The Wake County Speech and Language Screener can STICK IT! lol
Learning to ride a bicycle...
not like riding a tricycle...
Graham's Grandparents gave him a bicycle for his 4th Birthday. We've all been sick so we just now drug it out for a spin. See, a tricycle pedals both ways and the pedals move when the trike moves... Now, for the bicycle... It breaks all the rules according to Graham. This time the pedals do not move unless you make them move and if you pedal backwards...you stop! So, we are working on it. He does well until he forgets or decides it is fun to break...go...break...go...break...break...break. Needless to say, it will be a while before we remove the training wheels!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My 4 year old!
Happy Birthday Graham! Today I invited 36 people into our home to have a party! It was so much fun and so worth the time and money invested! Everyone seemed to have fun. Graham had a good time despite his double ear infection. We found out the night before that his ears were in horrible shape and one was about to burst. He'd had a rough night. I was so glad to see him enjoy himself. He asked me where everyone went when he realized the crew had lessened. He was a big boy and did not cry during the Birthday Song and even sang along. Good times, good food, and good people!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Almost 4 years have passed...

In a few days Graham will turn 4. Seems so strange to even think that is possible. It just does not seem so long ago I laid in a hospital bed in pain for 12 hours just to have a c-section. lol He was the best little baby. Yes, i am biased a bit...but he was! He did not cry unless he needed something and slept through the night. He loved sweet potatoes and still does. He never really crawled normally. Nor did I. He army crawled. He actually started walking around 10 months, but busted his head so much he stopped for about 3 months and one day decided to try again. By 15 months he was walking and walking well.
As he gets older I fear he will stop wanting hugs and kisses. There will come a day when he is embarrassed by us. I have told Garrett we should cherish these days while they are here. I love his giggles and wild interpretative dancing. He just the sweetest little boy. I wish my Dad was here to see him and how wonderful he turned out. It breaks my heart that he will never remember him. He passed away when Graham was about 5.5
My Birthday Wish for Graham is to be strong, happy, and kick some ass!
Monday, March 2, 2009
2 Fun -Worthy snows in one year?
In Raleigh? You're kidding me!
March 2, 2009 we woke up to a blanket of white. Graham popped up out of bed said, "Good morning mommy! Wow, would you look at that! It's a winter wunderwand! Let's go make snow angels!" Next, he exclaimed that the snow was white and in Spanish, white was blanco! Nate just stared out the window... The first thing Graham did in the snow was plop down and make an angel. Nate just wanted to run down the street. Needless to say nate did not stay our long before Daddy made him come in. I guess Spring is on it's way now...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
To eat or not to eat?
That is the question....
no, really! For over a week Nathan had been eyeing a can of Herbal Essence Mousse. Last week his dream was fulfilled. Mommy left the can on top of the tv. Nathan came up with a plan. He would throw something up there and knock the can on the floor. Well, it worked. We heard a thud and found Nathan smathered in mousse. There was an essence of it on his breath. I actually googled "child ate mousse". found nothing... That stuff has propane and alcohol stuff. glad to say he is fine. However, he just pulled his drawer out on his night stand, decided to stand in it, and it fell over on his knees. He is limping. We will see how this plays out with snow on it's way. As if we did not have enough going on as it is.
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