Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Almost 4 years have passed...

In a few days Graham will turn 4. Seems so strange to even think that is possible. It just does not seem so long ago I laid in a hospital bed in pain for 12 hours just to have a c-section. lol He was the best little baby. Yes, i am biased a bit...but he was! He did not cry unless he needed something and slept through the night. He loved sweet potatoes and still does. He never really crawled normally. Nor did I. He army crawled. He actually started walking around 10 months, but busted his head so much he stopped for about 3 months and one day decided to try again. By 15 months he was walking and walking well.

As he gets older I fear he will stop wanting hugs and kisses. There will come a day when he is embarrassed by us. I have told Garrett we should cherish these days while they are here. I love his giggles and wild interpretative dancing. He just the sweetest little boy. I wish my Dad was here to see him and how wonderful he turned out. It breaks my heart that he will never remember him. He passed away when Graham was about 5.5 months old. He was ill, but we never imagined he leave so fast. The last time Dad saw Graham he pulled himself out of bed to see him. He was not well. He was holding Graham and started reciting 'This Little Piggy" wiggling each toe. I remember thinking Dad had never done something like that before and how it just stood out to me. Maybe he knew... We'll never know. Dad would be so proud of him. I could see him now bragging that his Grandson loves cars and could read and write. His Great Grandmother has been deceased since August. She and Dad passed on the same day 3 years apart. Graham always enjoyed her. She was very proud of him.

My Birthday Wish for Graham is to be strong, happy, and kick some ass!

1 comment:

  1. awe! we're excited to come to his party!
    see you saturday :)
