Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Amazing Kid!

Yesterday Graham had his 4 year well-check. The only think they thought was wrong with him was his ears, but we knew that already. he's been refusing his meds for a double ear infection. So, he got 2 shots and goes back today for more. He hobbled for hours. I ask the doctor if he was puttin' on and she said that they are very painful. He passed his eye test, but "failed" his hearing because he was more interested in hearing the beeps than telling us. It was just too interesting! So, I'm taking him to an ENT sometime because I have some concerns there anyway. He talked a little bit with the doctor and the nurses. YES, A CONVERSATION GUYS... He can do that. He even sang a little and wrote his name for them. SO, I HOPE THIS PUTS THINGS TO REST AT SCHOOL FOR A WHILE. The Wake County Speech and Language Screener can STICK IT! lol

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it nice when a mother's intuition is right? OF COURSE you know your child best!
    Hope his ears feel better soon!
