My husband has kidney stone attacks about every 3 years. His 1st was when he was a teen. The last bout before this one he actually had 3 working and tearing their way out. This time he has 1 and the ct said it was 3-4mm and should have passed, but 5 weeks later and nothing but blood and the occasional pain. This morning at 9:30 we are checking in at the hospital for day surgery. The procedure is actually scheduled for 11:30. We were told the actual removal will take 15-20 minutes plus the prep. He has had this done before when he was 18. His stone had embedded. I hope the stone is not as embedded this time and that all is routine. He will have to wear a stent for about 5 days or so and then he has to pull it out himself at home. The Doc joked that I'm supposed to tie it to the door handle and slam the door. lol
His mother is here to take care of the kids. We will see how that goes. We had to install an alarm on the storm door because both kids have gotten out recently and Graham can unlock the door now. I have informed her of the "shut door policy" for the guest bathroom. I hope Graham remebers to shut it too. I also informed her of what will happen if Nate get's in the bathroom. He flushes things, brushes his teeth, and tries to tak a bath... Not good. I found him standing IN the toilet the other week. I can just picture him trapped head down in it! SCARY! My heart!!! Turning on the HOT water and bathing is scary enough. OmmmmOmmmm...keep the door shut, keep the door shut... We are locking our bedroom door because Graham cannot stay out! He goes in there in search of BAND-AIDES. Then, as you can imagine... Nate gets in and let's just say our bedroom and bathroom is not child proofed. She says she is taking the kids to the cafeteria by herself.... hahahaha! I can't wait to hear about that. I hope Graham does not run across the parking lot. ughhhh...
I will post pics soon of pre and post surgical madness.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pray for Baby Lawson
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a blog about the struggles of the Levering of Raleigh, NC. Mitzi, whom I have never met, gave birth to a baby boy named Lawson. He was born early because the doctors noticed something suspicious in an ultrasound. His lungs are very sick. You can read about it in their blog. He has been in the hospital for 6 weeks on a respirator. After a short bout of improvement he relapsed. There was no choice but to remove the diseased lung tissue. The doctors said he was likely not strong enough to make it through the surgery. Today at 10am he underwent surgery. We wait and pray for good results...
He made it through surgery and so far so good. Read the latest blog entry for details and video.
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a blog about the struggles of the Levering of Raleigh, NC. Mitzi, whom I have never met, gave birth to a baby boy named Lawson. He was born early because the doctors noticed something suspicious in an ultrasound. His lungs are very sick. You can read about it in their blog. He has been in the hospital for 6 weeks on a respirator. After a short bout of improvement he relapsed. There was no choice but to remove the diseased lung tissue. The doctors said he was likely not strong enough to make it through the surgery. Today at 10am he underwent surgery. We wait and pray for good results...
He made it through surgery and so far so good. Read the latest blog entry for details and video.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Weekend Outing
Today we met up with some buddies at the NC Art Museum for a puppet show and crafts. The show was a lot of fun. It was about the ocean and it was done in black light. Very neat. Graham was fascinated and Nate even said, "fishies"! When the show was over we made jellyfish out of construction paper, yarn, and bubble wrap. Graham sure enjoyed the bubble wrap!! We all walked down near the trails, found a picnic table and had lunch. The boys completely enjoys enjoyed all the sticks and rocks! Nate insisted on running in his clumsy way, both hands adorned with sticks. YIKES! It was a hot day today! 92 degrees in April!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
There are pregnant women and babies being "borned" all around me. It is not making this itch go away... lol You know how when you want something really bad, you start to see it everywhere? Well, it is not quite like that this time. They are really there! Invasion of the babies! A good number of good friends and FB friends are becoming mommies. There will be no more additions to the Hobbs Clan. Do not go and get any ideas. My last pregnancy was not simple and the Dr. informed me I was are scared up. She said she feared for mine and the baby's safety next time just based on the scare tissue and how fast she could "get in"if there was an emergency. I simply miss kissing their little noses, playing with their tiny toes, and their smell... Guess what? They grow up. I have 2 little boys now. 4 and almost 2 years old and they now have sticky noses, dirty toes, and trust me they do not smell good for very long after a bath! They are now "Wild and ca-razy guys!" i desperately buy all those sweet smelling shampoos in an attempt to make them smell like babies. Laugh if you must, but I really think it is time for the 4 year old to wear deodorant. lol So, i bought some Tom's because is lacks all those chemicals that might not be so good for a young child. I use it every now and then. Also, boys fight. I think I may lose my mind. Screaming, whining, "stop that Na-ffin!", "get outta here Na-ffin!", shreaks, moans... It is vastly getting worse and we have entered new territory. I have to emphasize again how much I am looking forward to the beach trip in May.
I will use this entry as an excuse to show off my babies when they were babies. *tears*

I will use this entry as an excuse to show off my babies when they were babies. *tears*

Thursday, April 16, 2009
May someone stick hot pokers in my eyes...
and fry a few brain cells while they are at it.
Why do I continue to watch OXYGEN reality show reruns? They are not all bad. Some are... Tori and Dean is surprisingly good, i admit. Always thought Tori was a joke. The media always made her look horrible, but she is more down to earth then I thought and she is funny. She is far from slummin' it though. Even my husband watches them if I make him and he likes it whether or not he admits. "Oh no not that again! Why do you watch this?" ...and 30 minutes later he is sitting there. Yes, Garrett cried a bit when they had their second child... lol
However, I spend wasted time watching The Next Top Model and every time I want to change the channel, but I can't. It is like some "lowbrow" vs. "highbrow" knock-out moral battle in my head... But the human in me usually wins. I admit I am human. It is human nature to enjoy misfortune, blood, and gore... We come from people who used to enjoy watching people malled by tigers and decapitated by vulgar contraptions visually displayed in the movie Caligula. Along with many other Anyway, back to my rant on The Next Top Model. Some of the crap they say during judging are the most stupid lines of crap. What is so unnerving is how serious Tyra is trying to be. She is overly dramatic and it drives me insane. I know! I know! Change the channel. Thank goodness they have taken a break from Bad Girls reruns. I watch these reruns and I feel so sorry for the families of the girls on this show... All i have to say about that. GROSS. I used to watch Janice Dickinson reruns and I totally know why I did. I figured it is some self hate thing. She said some of the most messed up things on there about overweight people. It aids in my self-abuse.
OXYGEN also has a show called Snapped and we wonder why some women can't find men... They are afraid of them. Any man that watched that show would obviously assume all women could and would potientially kill them one day because they left the commode seat up, did not agree to buy her tampons at the store, or ummmm... I don't know, put out a cigarette on her. (disclaimer: I do not condone abuse)
Good night, John Boy.
Why do I continue to watch OXYGEN reality show reruns? They are not all bad. Some are... Tori and Dean is surprisingly good, i admit. Always thought Tori was a joke. The media always made her look horrible, but she is more down to earth then I thought and she is funny. She is far from slummin' it though. Even my husband watches them if I make him and he likes it whether or not he admits. "Oh no not that again! Why do you watch this?" ...and 30 minutes later he is sitting there. Yes, Garrett cried a bit when they had their second child... lol
However, I spend wasted time watching The Next Top Model and every time I want to change the channel, but I can't. It is like some "lowbrow" vs. "highbrow" knock-out moral battle in my head... But the human in me usually wins. I admit I am human. It is human nature to enjoy misfortune, blood, and gore... We come from people who used to enjoy watching people malled by tigers and decapitated by vulgar contraptions visually displayed in the movie Caligula. Along with many other Anyway, back to my rant on The Next Top Model. Some of the crap they say during judging are the most stupid lines of crap. What is so unnerving is how serious Tyra is trying to be. She is overly dramatic and it drives me insane. I know! I know! Change the channel. Thank goodness they have taken a break from Bad Girls reruns. I watch these reruns and I feel so sorry for the families of the girls on this show... All i have to say about that. GROSS. I used to watch Janice Dickinson reruns and I totally know why I did. I figured it is some self hate thing. She said some of the most messed up things on there about overweight people. It aids in my self-abuse.
OXYGEN also has a show called Snapped and we wonder why some women can't find men... They are afraid of them. Any man that watched that show would obviously assume all women could and would potientially kill them one day because they left the commode seat up, did not agree to buy her tampons at the store, or ummmm... I don't know, put out a cigarette on her. (disclaimer: I do not condone abuse)
Good night, John Boy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our Much Needed Very Paid For Vacation
Let nobody stand in the way of my serenity... My in-laws rented a house for all of us. OCEANFRONT! YEZZZ! I'm so excited! i look forward to seeing nate enjoy the sand for the first time and watching graham build sand castles. i look forward to them fighting over shovels and nate wrecking the castles. i cannot wait to see teagan running on the beach. this will be her first time ever! i can't wait to get my toes in the sand and soak in the sun... one of the best therapies in my mind. i need to get out of my funk. most of all i need some time with my hubbie and babies... we are deserving of some quality time. it has been a rough year. we've been sick, grandma died, we were sick again, ear infections, garrett developed another kidney stone, mom got sick, we got sick... ear infections again. did i mention we've been sick a lot this year?!? WELL, WE HAVE.
9 more days of school until summer camp on June 15. (he only goes 3 days a week and will miss the last week due to our trip!!!!)

9 more days of school until summer camp on June 15. (he only goes 3 days a week and will miss the last week due to our trip!!!!)

Created by OnePlusYou
Work with the camera, feel the camera, the camera is your friend.
Easter Came and Went...
Not the best Easter in the world. Mom is still in the hospital. Spring Break went by too fast! Graham has another ear infection. He has denied yet another antibiotic... (nice way to say he vomited it all over the hallway) We may have more shots in our near future. Back to Easter day... Graham was very interested in his basket. he ate a good majority of it before noon. Some Family came over to have an Easter Egg Hunt and celebrate Ralph's Birthday. Graham ate some more candy. He spent a lot of time in the bathroom too... Wonder why? I had to hide the basket again today. Graham finished off his chocolate bunny and some jelly beans today. He started eating his bunny at the lake. He quoted Max from Max and Ruby's Chocolate Chicken Episode before taking a bite of ear. He said, "I love you!" and crunch... Dear god I hate that episode. We used to have to watch it over and over and over...and then some more. It has been at least a year since we watched it. We are having Easter again next weekend if Mom is not still in the hospital. UGH! more candy and more travel. I hope the Beach Trip hurries up and gets here and nothing comes up like hospitals and rotten ears... and no more sickness for a while PERIOD. House is already paid for. We are going to Topsail Island. Ready to put my toes in the sand and take a deep breath... Time to let some of the 08-09 worries wash away with the tide... PLEASE!!!

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