There are pregnant women and babies being "borned" all around me. It is not making this itch go away... lol You know how when you want something really bad, you start to see it everywhere? Well, it is not quite like that this time. They are really there! Invasion of the babies! A good number of good friends and FB friends are becoming mommies. There will be no more additions to the Hobbs Clan. Do not go and get any ideas. My last pregnancy was not simple and the Dr. informed me I was are scared up. She said she feared for mine and the baby's safety next time just based on the scare tissue and how fast she could "get in"if there was an emergency. I simply miss kissing their little noses, playing with their tiny toes, and their smell... Guess what? They grow up. I have 2 little boys now. 4 and almost 2 years old and they now have sticky noses, dirty toes, and trust me they do not smell good for very long after a bath! They are now "Wild and ca-razy guys!" i desperately buy all those sweet smelling shampoos in an attempt to make them smell like babies. Laugh if you must, but I really think it is time for the 4 year old to wear deodorant. lol So, i bought some Tom's because is lacks all those chemicals that might not be so good for a young child. I use it every now and then. Also, boys fight. I think I may lose my mind. Screaming, whining, "stop that Na-ffin!", "get outta here Na-ffin!", shreaks, moans... It is vastly getting worse and we have entered new territory. I have to emphasize again how much I am looking forward to the beach trip in May.
I will use this entry as an excuse to show off my babies when they were babies. *tears*

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